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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - mission


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Перевод с английского языка mission на русский

1. миссия; делегация peace mission —- миссия мира clandestine mission —- секретная миссия a British trade mission —- британская торговая делегация to go on a mission —- отправиться с миссией (в составе делегации) 2. миссия, постоянное дипломатическое представительство (также diplomatic mission) 3. миссия, группа миссионеров 4. миссионерская деятельность 5. сборник проповедей или служб для обращения иноверцев 6. миссионерская организация 7. помещение, где располагается миссионерская организация; дом миссионера 8. благотворительная деятельность в трущобах 9. миссия; цель жизни; призвание; предназначение the mission of the poet —- миссия поэта he considered it his mission (in life) —- он считал это целью своей жизни 10. поручение; командировка to go on a mission —- поехать в командировку to send smb. on a mission —- послать кого-л. с поручением; послать кого-л. в командировку to be sent on a mission to smb. —- быть посланным к кому-л. с поручением to complete one's mission successfully —- успешно справиться с поручением mission accomplished! —- ваше задание выполнено! 11. воен. (боевая) задача; задание to assign (to set) a mission —- ставить задачу mission report —- донесение о выполнении задания 12. воен. стрельба, огневая задача to fire (to shoot) a mission —- выполнять огневую задачу; вести огонь по цели 13. ав. (боевой) вылет (также mission sortie) to fly a mission —- производить боевой вылет, вылетать на выполнение боевой задачи 14. космический полет mission control —- центр управления космическими полетами mission controller —- сотрудник центра управления космическими полетами mission specialist —- ученый, ответственный за выполнение научной программы на борту космического корабля mission profile —- программа полета 15. посылать с поручением he was missioned to N —- его отправили с поручением к N 16. вести миссионерскую работу
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См. в других словарях

  style amer. стиль (в архитектуре, мебели и т.п.), созданный по образцам старинных испанских католических миссий в Калифорнии MISSION  1. noun  1) миссия; делегация  2) поручение; командировка  3) призвание, цель (жизни)  4) миссионерская организация  5) миссионерская деятельность  6) миссия, резиденция миссионера  7) сборник миссионерских проповедей  8) mil. (боевая) задача; задание  9) attr. миссионерский; - mission style  2. v.  1) посылать с поручением  2) вести миссионерскую работу ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) служебная командировка 2) миссия 3) делегация • - aid mission - mission failure - mission profile - mission-oriented project MISSION сущ. 1) а) общ. миссия; делегация peace goodwill mission — миссия мира доброй воли trade mission — торговая делегация б) пол. миссия, постоянное дипломатическое представительство diplomatic mission — дипломатическая миссия 2) а) упр. поручение, (служебная) командировка to accomplish carry out, perform mission — выполнять поручение to undertake a mission — брать на себя выполнение поручения dangerous mission — опасное поручение See: inward mission, corporate culture б) воен., амер. (боевая) задача; задание combat military mission — боевое задание 3) а) общ. миссионерская организация б) общ. миссия (группа людей, отправленная куда-л. с религиозными поручениями) в) общ. миссионерская деятельность г) общ. миссия, резиденция миссионера 4) а) общ. миссия; цель жизни; призвание; предназначение He considered it his mission in life. — Он считал это целью своей жизни. б) упр., марк. миссия (функция организации как части социальной или экономической системы; исходя из нее определяются цели организации) The mission of our company is to provide you with a quality product at an affordable price. — Миссия нашей компании — предоставить вам качественный товар по доступной цене. See: vision ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) космонавт. полёт 2) задача; цель 3) программа (напр. проведения экспериментов) - aeroassisted mission - aeroassisted orbital transfer mission - aerobraked mission - aerobraked orbital transfer mission - aerocapture mission - all-propellant mission - asteroid belt mission - asteroid rendezvous mission - astronomical unit mission - burn-to-burn mission - comet rendezvous mission - continuous mission - continuous thrust transfer mission - coplanar orbital transfer mission - correction-to-correction mission - discretionary correction mission - electric propulsion mission - flyby trajectory mission - fusion pulse propulsion mission - fusion propulsion mission - geopotential research mission - high-energy mission - inertial-thermonuclear mission - interstellar mission - laser fusion mission - laser fusion microexplosions mission - laser-pushed lightsail mission - logistics mission - low-energy mission - man-tended mission - maser-pushed lightsail mission - multiburn transfer mission - nuclear electric propulsion mission - orbit-raising mission - outer-planet mission - rapid rendezvous mission - repair mission - resident mission - return mission - round-trip mission - servicing mission - slow rendezvous mission - solar electric propulsion mission - solar maximum mission - standard visiting mission - starprobe mission - station keeping mission - TAU mission - tending mission - TOS-launched mission - visiting mission ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a particular task or goal assigned to a person or group. b a journey undertaken as part of this. c a person's vocation (mission in life). 2 a military or scientific operation or expedition for a particular purpose. 3 a body of persons sent, esp. to a foreign country, to conduct negotiations etc. 4 a a body sent to propagate a religious faith. b a field of missionary activity. c a missionary post or organization. d a place of worship attached to a mission. 5 a particular course or period of preaching, services, etc., undertaken by a parish or community. Etymology: F mission or L missio f. mittere miss- send ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: New Latin, Medieval Latin, & Latin; New Latin ~-, missio religious ~, from Medieval Latin, task assigned, from Latin, act of sending, from mittere to send  Date: 1530  1. obsolete the act or an instance of sending  2.  a. a ministry com~ed by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work  b. assignment to or work in a field of ~ary enterprise  c.  (1) a ~ establishment  (2) a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support  d. plural organized ~ary work  e. a course of sermons and services given to convert the unchurched or quicken Christian faith  3. a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: as  a. a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations  b. a permanent embassy or legation  c. a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country  4.  a. a specific task with which a person or a group is charged  b.  (1) a definite military, naval, or aerospace task a bombing ~ a space ~  (2) a flight operation of an aircraft or spacecraft in the performance of a ~ a ~ to Mars  c. a preestablished and often self-imposed objective or purpose statement of the company's ~  5. calling, vocation  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1692  1. to send on or entrust with a ~  2. to carry on a religious ~ among or in  III. adjective  Date: 1900  1. of or relating to a style used in the early Spanish ~s of the southwestern United States ~ architecture  2. of, relating to, or having the characteristic of a style of plain heavy usually oak furniture originating in the United States in the early part of the 20th century MISSION  geographical name  1. city S Texas population 45,408  2. municipality Canada in SW British Columbia population 31,272 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (missions) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A mission is an important task that people are given to do, especially one that involves travelling to another country. Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America... ...the most crucial stage of his latest peace mission. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A mission is a group of people who have been sent to a foreign country to carry out an official task. ...a senior member of a diplomatic mission. = delegation N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. A mission is a special journey made by a military aeroplane or space rocket. ...a bomber that crashed during a training mission in the west Texas mountains. ...the first shuttle mission. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. If you say that you have a mission, you mean that you have a strong commitment and sense of duty to do or achieve something. He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil... = vocation N-SING: usu poss N, also n of N 5. A mission is the activities of a group of Christians who have been sent to a place to teach people about Christianity. They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »AIRFORCE/ARMY ETC« an important job done by a member of the airforce, army etc, especially an attack on the enemy  (He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action. | a space mission) 2 »GOVERNMENT/GROUP« a group of important people who are sent by their government to another country to discuss something or collect information  (a British trade mission to Moscow) 3 »JOB« an important job that someone has been given to do especially when they are sent to another place  (His mission was to improve staff morale and output.) 4 »DUTY« something that you feel you must do because it is your duty  (mission in life)  (He always felt that his mission in life was to help old people.) 5 »RELIGION« a) the work of a religious leader or organization, that has gone to a foreign country, in order to teach people about Christianity or help poor people  (After he trained as a priest he went to work for the missions in Africa.) b) a building where this kind of work is done 6 mission accomplished used when you have finished a job that someone has asked or told you to do ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1598, from L. missionem (nom. missio) "act of sending," from mittere "to send," oldest form probably *smittere, of unknown origin. Diplomatic and religious uses both are early 17c. Missionary is from 1656. Missionary position first attested 1969; so called because Christian missionaries allegedly forced it on "primitive" people to replace their more creative variations. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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